Advisor, mentor, non-executive board member.

Many companies are faced with the challenge of taking their governance to the next level. As a part-time non-executive director, I help companies professionalize their governance to a level that meets international standards.

The non-executive director role is a well-established model. Most successful companies have a non-executive advisor or director on their board. Such professionals bring valuable independent insight to the company.

Kontaktujte nás

Objavte aj NEDHUB, platformu, ktorá spája  firmy s najlepšími nevýkonnými členmi vedenia (non-executive directors/ NED).

Advisor, mentor, non-executive board member.
Non-executive director/ NED
Non-executive director/ NED

Many companies are faced with the challenge of taking their governance to the next level. As a part-time non-executive director, I help companies professionalize their governance to a level that meets international standards.

The non-executive director role is a well-established model. Most successful companies have a non-executive advisor or director on their board. Such professionals bring valuable independent insight to the company.

Kontaktujte nás

Objavte aj NEDHUB, platformu, ktorá spája  firmy s najlepšími nevýkonnými členmi vedenia (non-executive directors/ NED).


Robert Kantor

NED with international experience

I am a former partner and board member of Europe’s largest office developer, HB Reavis, where I helped the company achieve unicorn status with a value of over €1 billion. I have built and led teams in different countries, solved complex challenges and achieved significant business successes. Now, as an advisor, mentor, non-executive director, I help leaders and their companies achieve similar results with the same dedication.

I am an experienced strategic partner and advisor, helping companies professionalize management and overcome fundamental challenges. During my career, I have gone through the entire career ladder from basic positions to top management, to mentor, advisor and non-executive director, which allowed me to gain a unique set of knowledge and practical experience.

I believe that entrepreneurs are key value creators and contribute to improving the standard of living of the entire society. My mission is to support them in improving financial results and stability.

Among other things, I founded the GuudElements Club, a unique, intimate, exclusive closed group of leaders from various industries. Unlike regular forums, the GuudElements Club offers a safe space for open, practical discussions with real added value. More at

The role of a non-executive director in Western countries

In Slovakia and the Czech Republic, the role of a non-executive director (NED) is relatively unknown, but abroad this position is a common and key part of successful companies. Non-executive directors bring an independent perspective to the strategic management of the company, provide constructive but also open feedback and help the CEO and top management make qualified decisions. Successful foreign companies use non-executive directors mainly to identify risks and opportunities, ensure compliance of operations with strategy, support in implementing fundamental changes and provide expertise in specific areas where management may not have sufficient experience. They also often act as mentors and strategic partners who help companies achieve success.

What leaders of successful companies say about their non-executive directors

„Vistage je ako spa pre váš biznis. Máte možnosť pracovať s osobným trénerom, ktorý vás dostane tam, kam chcete.“

Stephen Brown
Managing Director
Europrojects Recruitment
Strategic Coach
„Strategic Coach bol najväčšou investíciou, ktorú som spravil do svojho podnikania a osobného života. Dal mi nástroje a mentalitu na dosiahnutie exponenciálneho rastu.“

Mike Koenigs
CEO, Inc.
Chief Executive Network
„Postrehy a rady, ktoré získavam od mojej CEN skupiny, sú na nezaplatenie. Je to ako mať osobnú správnu radu, ktorá rozumie mojim výzvam a poskytuje akčné riešenia.“

John Smith
ABC Manufacturing
Genius Network
„Strategic Coach bol najväčšou investíciou, ktorú som spravil do svojho podnikania a osobného života. Dal mi nástroje a mentalitu na dosiahnutie exponenciálneho rastu.“

Mike Koenigs
CEO, Inc.
„Strategic Coach bol najväčšou investíciou, ktorú som spravil do svojho podnikania a osobného života. Dal mi nástroje a mentalitu na dosiahnutie exponenciálneho rastu.“

Mike Koenigs
CEO, Inc.

Typical areas of my assistance

Dôvernosť informácií

Čo sa povie u nás, ostane u nás! Členov vyberáme s dôrazom na dôvernosť a bezpečnosť informácií, čo zahŕňa aj podpis vzájomnej NDA pre každého člena s povinným dodržiavaním pravidiel bezpečnosti.

Plánovanie stretnutí

Máme flexibilný kalendár so stretnutiami spravidla raz za mesiac v podvečerných hodinách plánovanými na 12 mesiacov vopred a ponúkame možnosť zúčastniť sa stretnutí online, ak sa nedá osobne.

Pridaná hodnota členov klubu

Každý člen klubu prechádza výberovým procesom a k prijatiu nového člena sa existujúci členovia majú právo vyjadriť.


Pri výbere členov sa zameriavame na diverzitu a zabezpečenie rôznorodých skúseností z rôznych oblastí a odvetví.

Konkurencia v rámci klubu

Nový člen klubu z konkurenčnej firmy sa stane iba po predchádzajúcom súhlase dotknutého existujúceho člena klubu.

Záväzky členov klubu

Každý člen klubu získava ale aj prispieva. Preto je potrebné, aby sa všetci členovia zúčastňovali väčšiny stretnutí v zmysle pravidiel klubu.


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Bratislava 821 08
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